Supporting an Author

Hey everyone, It is Christmas time. That means a bunch of things. It means, if you're in college, you are on Winter Break currently and just got done with finals. (Congratulations I hope it went well for you). At any age it means celebrating time off with the family. In Wisconsin and the Midwest it … Continue reading Supporting an Author

A Delayed December Launch

Hey everyone, Alright so this is the saddest thing in the world to announce (at least for me) but I have been promoting my official book launch for December 10th, for forever now it seems. And alas, I do not believe it is going to happen (unless a miracle happens). In truth, I am not … Continue reading A Delayed December Launch

Putting Together the Plan

Alright, it's been a while, but like I said, I've been busy with my own deadlines to meet. We talked last time about building a plan for your book and how it should have a marketing scheme set up 2-4 months prior. Also, I mentioned that this timetable (the one I gave in the blog … Continue reading Putting Together the Plan